

Last updated Feb 26, 2024

Warning: Cocov is beta software and may contain bugs, inconsistencies, or other issues that could affect data displayed by it. We recommend that you use Cocov for testing and experimentation purposes only and do not rely on it for mission-critical or high-stakes purposes. If you encounter any issues or inconsistencies with data presented, failed actions, or any other unexpected behaviour, please report them to the developers by creating an issue on one of the available GitHub Repositories.

Cocov’s installation steps comprises:

  1. Provisioning required databases and storage
  2. Creating a GitHub App to allow users to be authenticated, commits to be clonned, and events to be received
  3. Deciding how to allow GitHub to POST to the events endpoint
  4. Determining which optional components the instance will have
  5. Choosing a deployment method

The next sections will provide guides on each of those activities. Do notice, however, that specific guides on networking and other external services are out of scope for this documentation.

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