
Configuration Options

Last updated Feb 26, 2024

Heads Up: If you are using Cocov’s Helm chart, make sure to refer to its own documentation, as it may abstract several of those enviroment variables through its values, providing an easier way to handle values that are referred throughout other platform components.

GitHub Configuration #

As mentioned a few times throughout this documentation, Cocov relies on a few resources provided by GitHub. Users are authenticated, repository data, and events are all obtained from their systems. On the Installation guides, the first step mentioned is “Creating a GitHub App”. This section uses several of the values obtained from that process.

Variable Name Description
COCOV_GITHUB_ORG_NAME The name of the GitHub Organization in which Cocov is being installed on.
COCOV_GITHUB_APP_ID The GitHub App numeric ID for the created App.
COCOV_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY The Private Key provided by GitHub when creating the app. This value must include the private key encoded in base64.
COCOV_GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID The installation identifier of the app after installing it on the target organization. Check installation documentation for details.
COCOV_GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID The GitHub App’s Client ID used for OAuth authentication. Not to be confused with App ID.
COCOV_GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET The GitHub App’s Client Secret used to authenticate users through GitHub.
COCOV_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY The secret value passed to the GitHub App’s Webhook configuration used as a salt to hash contents delivered from them.
COCOV_ALLOW_OUTSIDE_COLLABORATORS Indicates whether users belonging to the Outside Collaborators group may access this Cocov instance. Accepts values such as true and false.

Common URLs #

Common URLs are URLs that may be used by external clients and users to access this instance’s resources. For instance, COCOV_UI_BASE_URL must be the base URL that user’s will use to access this instance’s Web UI. This will not be resolved by the API, but will be used to compose URLs passed and displayed on GitHub Statuses, for instance.

Variable Name Description
COCOV_UI_BASE_URL The complete base URL the users use to access Cocov. The URL may be hosted behind a VPN, but must be accessible to your users; the same URL is used by the API facility to generate URLs used by GitHub to direct users to Cocov’s internal pages. Format is http[s]://domain.for.cocov
COCOV_BADGES_BASE_URL If Badger is enabled, this variable must contain the base URL for users and other external services to access Cocov’s Badger service. Providing this value indicates to the API that the badger service is active on this instance, and the value will be provided to other facilities to allow users to copy-paste the value to other external services such as READMEs.

Redis Configuration #

Cocov leverages Redis for several processes, from Caching to lock coordination, to inter-process communication. URLs passed through those values may point to the same server, but it is strongly recommended to use different databases on this case. Each URL must be in the format redis[s]://[[username:]password@]host[:port][/database].

Variable Name Description
COCOV_REDIS_URL The URL for the primary Redis database used by Cocov. This database will be used for primary operations, which are essential for platform operation.
COCOV_REDIS_CACHE_URL The URL for a Redis instance or database to used for caching operations. Although the instance must be accessible, data loss should not affect normal operation, only possibly slow it down.
COCOV_SIDEKIQ_REDIS_URL The URL for a Redis used exclusively by Sidekiq to schedule and perform background operations.

Storage Configuration #

The platform automatically keeps a shallow copy of commits to quickly create views that displays code assciated with an issue or test coverage data.

Currently, Cocov supports storing data either on a local volume, or an S3 bucket, which is defined by the following environment variable:

Variable Name Description
COCOV_GIT_SERVICE_STORAGE_MODE Which storage mode to use. Must be either local or s3.

Then, depending on the chosen mode, one of the following extra variables must also be defined:

Local Storage Mode #

The Local Storage mode stores data in a local shared directory. The directory must be also accessible by other components such as the Worker. Although the path must exist locally, it may point to an NFS share, for instance.

Variable Name Description
COCOV_GIT_SERVICE_LOCAL_STORAGE_PATH The path in which the platform will store files. It must exist and also be available to the Worker facility.

S3 Storage Mode #

The S3 storage mode stores shared data within a S3 bucket, and only takes the target bucket name. All other configuration options are processed by the AWS SDK. Refer to its documentation for further information.

Variable Name Description
COCOV_GIT_SERVICE_S3_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME The bucket name to be used to store Git data

Cryptographic Key #

Cocov uses an user-defined cryptographic key to encode sensitive information like Secrets, and other data stored on databases or transferred through Redis. The key must be compsosed of 32 hexadecimal characters.

Variable Name Description
COCOV_CRYPTOGRAPHIC_KEY 32 hexadecimal characters representing the cryptographic key used to encode data

Cache Configuration #

In case Cache is enabled on this instance, those keys configure where the Cache server is located, and the quota for each repository. Although those keys belong to the Cache service, they must be defined on the API, which is responsible for bookeeping and cleanup requests.

Variable Name Description
COCOV_REPOSITORY_CACHE_MAX_SIZE The size, in bytes, of how much data each repository may store in the cache. A zero value or in case the value is empty indicates no limit.
COCOV_CACHE_SERVICE_URL The URL to the Cache service, if enavled on this instance.