

Last updated Feb 26, 2024

Cocov’s Worker is responsible for orchestrating Checks runs, and emitting their results to the API. When a new commit is pushed to a repository that is being tracked by a Cocov instance, and either the commit itself or a parent commit includes a .cocov.yaml manifest defining Checks to be executed, API enqueues a new check on Worker’s job queue, to be executed asynchronously.

A check comprises one or more plugins to be executed against files of a given commit. Each repository may indicate which plugins to use and other settings on their Manifest file. See Checks & Limits: The Manifest File.

Each plugin image is then downloaded and a new container is created to execute it against the obtained commit. The Worker then watches the plugin execution state, and depending on the result, obtains all findings, sending those to the API for further processing. After all checks are done, containers are automatically removed and the worker thread is then cleared to take the next commit to be checked. For information on developing plugins, see Plugin Development.

Each Worker must have its own DinD instance to manage. This way, Workers can be horizontally scaled, and workloads can be safely split. It is also responsible for emitting status updates to the API, which then updates GitHub statuses, and providing extra error information in case of failures, which can then be displayed by the Web UI.