

Last updated Feb 26, 2024

Sidekiq is a well-known queue processing software for Ruby, responsible for running background jobs. It is also used by large projects such as Mastodon, Diaspora, GitLab, and Discourse.

In Cocov, Sidekiq inherits the same settings of API, and is responsible for running several tasks for housekeeping and updating repositories, users, and commits. A list of all operations handled by it is available below:

ComputeRepositoryCommitsSizeJob #

ComputeRepositoryCommitsSizeJob updates internal repository metadata after a commit is clonned into the system storage. Whenever executed, the job updates a given repository’s commits_size field with the total amount of storage used by clonned commits.

DestroyRepositoryJob #

DestroyRepositoryJob is executed whenever a tracked repository is deleted from GitHub, or manually removed from Cocov through the Repository Settings page. The platform does not perform soft deletes, so deletes are destructive. The job is also responsible for requesting an asynchronous cache purge from the Cache service if it is enabled.

InitializeRepositoryJob #

InitializeRepositoryJob is enqueued for execution when a new repository is added to the instance. It is responsible for clonning the repository’s last commit, creating the reference the the repository’s main branch, and enqueueing a ProcessCommitJob to process the clonned commit, in case it already contains a manifest file.

ProcessCommitJob #

ProcessCommitJob is executed after a new commit is clonned, and is responsible for enqueuing the commit’s checks (if any) to be executed asynchronously by an available Worker, while the job also attempts to associate an known User to the clonned commit. This last operation attempts to find an user that has logged in at least once into the Platform that has an email that matches the commit’s author email, and connects both.

ProcessCoverageJob #

ProcessCoverageJob is enqueued when coverage data is received for an already known commit. In case coverage data is received before the commit data (in case GitHub Webhooks are delayed, for instance), data is held on Redis for at most two hours, and is processed as soon as the commit event is delivered. The process comprises looking for a valid manifest among the commit’s files, parsing the received coverage information, validating its results against any rules defined by the loaded manifest (if any), and emitting a status back to GitHub.

RequestCacheEvictionJob #

RequestCacheEvictionJob determines which objects must be removed from a Cache Storage in case it surpasses the allowed quota. An eviction request is them emitted to the Cache service to have those objects asynchronously removed from the storage.

UpdateCommitsAuthorJob #

RequestCacheEvictionJob is executed when an user’s email list is updated, or a previously unknown user logs into the platform for the first time. It then attempts to link all commits having an Author Email address that matches one of the user’s emails to the new user.

UpdateOrganizationReposJob #

UpdateOrganizationReposJob lists and caches all repositories from the GitHub organization that Cocov is installed on.

UpdateRepoPermissionsJob #

Executed when repositories are added/removed/updated on the GitHub organization, UpdateRepoPermissionsJob ensures that all user’s visibility settings are up-to-date and matching permissions defined on GitHub.

UpdateUserPermissionsJob #

Executed when users are added/removed/updated on the GitHub organization, UpdateUserPermissionsJob ensures that all user’s visibility settings are up-to-date and matching permissions defined on GitHub.